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I’m Late!  I’m Late!  I’m Late!


I’m late!  I’m late! 
For a very important date!
No time to read the news or chat!
I’m late!  I’m late!  I’m late!
McDonald’s breakfast number three just simply will not wait!
I must not stay to read or debate!
I’m late!  I’m late!  I’m late!
To work and pay for things I like to play!
No time to check a fact or statement!
I’m late!  I’m late!  I’m late!
To vote today and check a box!
To save my country as a patriot!
What you say I do not dare!
To gain the stares of others I do not care!
I’m late!  I’m late!  I’m late!
I like political facts number 3, 7, and 9!
Yes indeed they are very fine!
And I shan't care what you opine.
I like my whims and way.
Thank you for the taxes that you pay!
I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!




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